Mentor and Life Coach
Shinan Donivan began his practice in Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo at Seidokwan Academy of Karatedo and Judo on November 7th, 1967. In June 1969, he became the first Canadian to receive a 1st degree black belt (Shodan) in Shorinjiryu Kenkokan. In 1971. Shinan Donivan also attended McGill University and earned a B.Ed. in Physical Education. Having studied various fighting techniques and martial arts such as boxing, wrestling, aikido, kendo, kenjitsu, iaido and ju-jutsu, Shinan Donivan has incorporated all these forms in the Kentokukan school of Shorinjiryu.
Between the years 1971 to 1974, Shinan Donivan won the title of North American Champion four times in Shorinjiryu Kenkokan as well as a Triple Crown winner in 1972 (first place kata, kumite, and shiai). In the past, Shinan Donivan has traveled to various parts of the world, from Jamaica to Japan giving clinics for Shorinjiryu Kenkokan and Koshiki.
On January 8th, 1994, Shinan Donivan’s decided to leave the Kenkokan School after 26 years with the Hisataka family. This resulted in the birth of Shorinjiryu Kentokukan Karatedo. He has chosen to emphasize aspects of karatedo, which he feels better to serve the individual student. The name “Kentokukan”, which was given to Shinan Donivan by Hanshi Hisataka for his dojo located at Dawson College has become the Hombu Dojo(or headquarters) of Shorinjiryu Kentokukan Karatedo.
On June 12th 2010 Shinan Donivan retired from this teaching position at Dawson College. During his 35 years of service he established the Martial Arts Program and curriculum for eight different courses. In 1996, He designed plans for a new Dojo “Combat Room” and its storage area for the new Physical Education Facility “H” wing. He served as chair of both the Martial Arts program and the Physical Education Facility Committee but perhaps his greatest contribution was to introduce thousands of students to Martial Arts and to help them find their “Way”. Shinan Donivan remains active as a leader and ambassador for Kentokukan . He continues to teach at the Kentokukan Heaquarters as well as, a number of member Dojos and Kentokukan programs.